A few weeks ago one of my friends from my old BYU art classes announced that a
book she's been working on has been published at last. To celebrate, she decided to host a
coloring contest, in which J and I were excited to participate. The art for the coloring contest was done by the author herself, and participants were allowed artistic liberties in their interpretations. The winners of three ages groups would be awarded with a free copy of her book. Of course we were interested in reading the novel, and we always love a good digital art project. Plus, our two entries doubled our chances at winning.
So, here are our submissions, which we entered before the deadline of last Friday, after which we waited for Easter Sunday when the winners would be announced.
I hemmed and hawed for a long time about colors, and I still don't think it's my very best, but it was great practice. |
J has a little more finesse when it comes to Photoshop tricks and know-how and such, as seen here.
After waiting with bated breath, the
results were at last posted yesterday. Unfortunately, neither of us won, but J was awarded Honorable Mention, and her art was featured on the author's blog along with a link to her art website. When I saw J's submission, I knew I couldn't possibly beat her, but it was still worth the experience.
We were bummed that J came so close to winning, but are still excited to read the book, which should arrive tomorrow. Thanks for the fun contest, Heather, and congratulations on publishing your book!