Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Sketches -- Mr. Cabret and Friends (D)

Last week I read The Invention of Hugo Cabret, and over the weekend we watched the movie too.  I liked them!  I didn't love them, but I liked them.  I think both the book and movie do some things better than the other.  I don't necessarily think it was one of the best movies of the year (and I definitely don't think it was better than the last [or any] Harry Potter...), but I thought it had a certain charm as I made my way through the book's text and illustrations, and then saw it realized on the screen.  In any case, of course the fairly vivid characters were in the forefront of my mind today, so they found their way out of my pen and into my sketchpad.  I actually really like how they turned out for the most part!
Have you read the book or seen the movie?  Do you recognize the characters?  I should hope so if you have, since they're largely inspired by some combination of the book illustrations and the actors in the movie.

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