Monday, March 2, 2015

Sunday Sketches -- Disney Un-Disneyed VIII (D)

My Disney Un-Disneyed Sunday Sketches series is fast finally coming to a close!  I really thought I would have these all posted by the end of 2014, but oh well, life happened and there you have it.  This is an interesting set of fellows, the first of which is a stretch for this series in the first place (and it took a few tries to get his look just right, thanks to J for helping me figure it out, as well as the strategic placement of props), and the third I didn't even know was based on a book in the first place.  The second turned out just how I thought it would.
The Emperor's New Clothes (review here)
Treasure Island (review here)

A Day With Wilbur Robinson (review here)
Almost done!  I don't think I'll wait until next Monday to post the last set, so stay tuned for those very soon!

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