Monday, November 23, 2015

Sunday Sketches -- Illusionals (D)

I recently finished reading the second book written by one of my old college friends (review here), and I thought it was a rollicking ride from start to finish!  Plenty of danger and drama and humor and just enough steampunk to be interesting and effective without being annoying and trendy.  Last week these Sunday Sketches resulted.
All the characters in her books are so vividly described and written that I find they flow pretty easily from my pen, even if they don't always come out just how I pictured them -- but that's on me, not on the author.

(You can see the other Sunday Sketches that Heather's writing has inspired in the past here.)


  1. These are so fabulous. I love Anna/Hannah. Jonathan is right on!

    1. How wonderful to hear coming from the author herself! Thanks so much, I'm really glad you like them! They leaped right out of my pen onto the paper.
