Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Come Fly With Me (J)

One day I sat a'doodling and everything was coming out ugly.  This seems to happen a lot lately, maybe because my drawing time is more infrequent.  Anyhoo, it was kind of depressing and irritating but I tried again, as one must do with arts.  And that drawing turned out!  It turned out so well that I colored it later and was pleased as punch.

I really enjoy doing fanarts, but it is also fun to do something original.  Though maybe it's a little If-Ginny-Weasley-were-into-planes?

It's nice to know I can still do stuff with a pencil or pen or stylus, whatever the case may be. 


  1. That is sooo cool! I might have to add her to my wall of art.

  2. Looks kinda... steampunk-y. Or WW 2. Maybe a combo of both.
    8B Derp to me.
    Anywho, this is awesome!
