Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday Sketches -- Austen Arts (D)

Last year I had an epic Year of Hardy, which you might recall inspired several Sunday Sketches posts.  This summer I decided to go for something pretty different, much less tragic, and much shorter, with a Summer of Austen.  I'd read two of Jane Austen's published works years previously (and of course seen many movie versions of almost all of them), but I thought it was a good time of year to work through all of them.  I have now read two, which naturally led to these:

The Disparate Misses Dashwood, or, Ever So Many Beaux
So Proud, So Prejudiced, or, Waaaay Too Many Characters to Draw Them All
There you go, a plethora of character sketches from two of Jane Austen's most enduring novels!  And plenty of Miss Bennets to go around.  I'm looking forward to reading her less popular (or at least lesser-known) books.


  1. I could spend all day admiring your drawings. I loved seeing your 30-day challenge, too! So cool!

    1. Thank you so much, Andy! It's very nice of you to say. :)

  2. I've been a fan of you and your wife's art! I think I'll read Pride and Prejudice later. You put me in the mood! ;)
    P.S: How did you learn to draw so well?

    1. Lots and lots of practice!

      And yes, by all means, read P&P. It's a good one.
